September 14, 2007

Why do babies grow so fast!?

This weekend I become McCashews Godmother. I am sooo excited!!! I have her baptism gown in my car all pressed and ready to go by McMom. This is the same gown that almost my entire family was baptized in. Me, McWriter, McCashew's Dad, all the cousins, all the cousins babies who aren't babies anymore by the by - they are old, and that's where this post is coming from!

My cousins were about 13, 11, and 9 when I was born -- but we "grew up" in the same town - and were very close. I always considered them as close as siblings. They were our constant babysitters that just seemed like best friends. They went off to college far far away (you know, in MA & NH) and I have never been sadder! Years later they all returned home, or at least close enough that we could be around to be a part of all three of their weddings and then able to watch their families grow.

I remember when the first "cousin once removed" was born -- I was a Freshman in High School, McWriter was a senior and we both got called to the Principals office (pre cell phones) .... and were told that Timmy Turtle was born!! The McFamily was so excited! Not only were we excited we were obsessed - that baby has more pictures then my brother, sister and I combined! Then Turtle was followed by a crazy redheaded little brother named Shane-o, then there was the first girl cousin, Chloe, and followed quickly by a baby sister, Miss Teegan (also my Goddaughter!), and the third family began with Joey, and then Nolan rounded out the first family and finally Declan closed the group off at seven. (I think it's closed, you never do know though!!)

So needless to say the McFamily had their hands full! My brother was married somewhere in between all those births ... I'm pretty sure Teegan and Declan (or was it Joey?) were inside babies at the time. Regardless ... the point of the blog ... well let's just say when I celebrated my 24th birthday this summer Chloe celebrated her 4th the day after; Timothy is 9 and in the third grade; Shane has started kindergarten this year; Joey and Declan are two of the smartest 'babies' I have ever met; Nolan now runs around like a mad man and Teegan well she's just got the most beautiful smile and the cutest little pierced ears. They have all grown up. And way too fast in my mind.

But mostly, my McCashew has grown up way too quickly for me. She's 7 months old now, check out the difference a few months makes:

McCashew 2/4/07

McCashew 9/4/07

So, tell me, why do babies grow so fast?

(Also, does this blog post make me old??)

1 comment:

KHMcManama said...

no, just introspective!