September 21, 2007

Why are visitors the best?

Visitors are the best because it makes you clean your house. Umm ... basically I felt bad bringing two of Boston's Finest into a dirty house so GMoney and I cleaned the place as if the Queen of Sheba herself was coming to visit. (Courtney and Kim basically are at the same level as a Queen - just without the title!) We organized, we cleansed closets and "junk drawers", the shower was scrubbed, we left no table unturned.

****Note to my mom and anyone else who thinks we are slobs: we aren't, it's clean in there, just not "let's eat off the floor clean" - not that I also condone eating off the floor, but if something were to fall on the floor this weekend - I would give it the 5 minute rule rather then the typical 5 second rule.****

Another reason they are the best is because I get to get some hardcore girl time! Someone to get ready to go out with! Someone to ask if they like my outfit - or if they have a piece of jewelry that would go better with what I'm wearing, someone to help me pluck my eyebrows (cause I suck at it), to do makeup with, help me curl my hair, to go get a pedicure with, to admire new shoes or a bag ... those are things I do miss about roommates that aren't your boyfriend.

Not that I dont love living with G but the sports, sports, sports all the freaking time is starting to get to me. Dont get me wrong either - I love football, well I love BC football, and the Patriots ... and I've even taken to Tech football too - and the Red Sox - love them (although Gag-me and J.D.Suckass can leave whenever they want) - but it's the lack of someone to enjoy the Gilmore Girls at 5:00 every day and the marathons of America's Next Top Model on MTV. G does his fair share of watching girlie shows with me - he loves the Hills and Newport Harbor as much as I do.

So I swear this isn't a bashing G post but rather a I-am-so-excited-to-have-some-girls-in-the-apartment-this-weekend post. Visitors are the best!

1 comment:

KHMcManama said...

"Hardcore girl time?" Hmm.