September 4, 2007

What can you buy for $875 at Walmart?

i really dont know ... perhaps some school supplies, perhaps a laptop computer ... who really knows, except for maybe the bastard who stole my credit card information and attempted to buy $875 worth of CRAP from walmart. yes that's right. this girl right here was a "victim" of credit card fraud. yes i use the word "victim" lightly because i know there are so many other more horrifying things that could have happened to me (including this being my debit card and not my credit card and having them wipe out ALL my funds) ... but it still just sucks.

i had pushed and pushed against getting a credit card. i'm a stickler for money -- if i dont have it, i dont spend it -- i constantly check my online banking to see what "extras" i can splurg on for the week. and if i can't - well i take it easy on the spending. typically i have no money issues. so i dont know why this is bothering me so much. i dont "need" a credit card. i lived for 22 years without one. (and i wasn't even "blessed" with a parental-just-in-case-credit-card)

But now, knowing that some jerk decided to buy gas in SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA (believe me I would have rathered been in California then Syracuse NY this weekend but that is beside the point) and try to "trick" the bank into thinking it was okay for them to be buying $875 worth of whatever from Walmart ... just makes me furious. UGH.

One good thing -- Bank of America stepped it UP with phone calls and emails to make sure I was aware of what was going on -- they didn't even process tshe $875 because they knew it didn't seem right. Finally, BOA is good for something other than the "Keep the Change" program.

What would you buy at Walmart for $875??

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