January 8, 2008

What will I do with myself?

Greg's on vacation with his two best friends in the Bahamas. Yup. A vacation without me. Oh poor pitiful me. or ... oh lucky ducky me -- we are going on our own vacation in just 80 short days (oh crap, 80 days until bathing suit time) to Belize. But yes, I'm jealous. I can admit it.

The question a lot of people have asked is "what will you do with yourself?!"

At first I thought, my goodness people it's only 1 week. But then I realized, that I have never lived alone. Ever. It's so weird. I've caught myself talking to myself. And I jump a mile high and sprint over to my phone when I hear it ring. That is if I let it ring since I've been on it the whole time. TV shows just aren't as funny. Or they are, but laughing to yourself seems weird. Cooking for one isn't great fun either - so that bag of lettuce and chopped up peppers are going to have to do for the week.

So anyway - what will I do with myself? I'm going to spend the night with my sissy poo cause I dont like being alone, she's cooking me dinner, and she lives drastically closer to our dentist and I have an appointment in the morning. Tomorrow night Breton will come over for dinner which I'm very excited about. Thursday I've got nothing planned except the gym and a TON of cleaning to do. Friday - possibly a trip to my parents to see McCashew then out on the town. Saturday Greg gets home around 5:15 -- maybe I'll plan a welcome home dinner of some sort?

In all honesty, I miss Greg for sure, but it's more just missing the company of a person. I talk a lot, and it's nice to have someone who listens ... even if they are forced to because our condo is only 900 square feet. Ha. Oh well, only a few more days.

1 comment:

KHMcManama said...

The ONLY bad thing about living alone is no one knows how good I am at Jeopardy. ("What are ellipses - ELLIPSES, Alex!")