August 30, 2007

Should I be concerned?

That I slept for almost 12 straight hours last night? No joke, not exaggerating, I was complaining about a headache/wishy-washy feeling all day to anyone who would listen. I left work a tad early to get a jump on the traffic (and well because it's the week before Labor Day and everyone and their brother is out on vacation) and I got home just in time to lay on the couch. The sympathetic (or fed-up-with-the-complaining) boyfriend told me to go take a nap and it would make me feel better. So I did. And I slept from 6:30pm-11:30pm. Woke up, incoherently asked previously mentioned sympathetic boyfriend to make me a sandwich. He obliged. I ate. I got back into bed and slept ... straight. through. the. night.

No I didn't have a late night the night before. And though the previous weekend was fun -- it was not one of those stay-up-and-party-all-night weekends. So why was I so tired? I have no clue. Do I feel absolutely fabulous today? Yes indeed I do.

I guess I just needed a recharge. No need for concern .... right?

1 comment:

KHMcManama said...

No, you shouldn't be concerned. You should be consumed. Consumed with the mission to make that happen for yourself every night. Sleep rocks. I don't do much of it myself. So, hop to it, or sleep on it, whichever ...