November 1, 2007

Day 1

Weight Today: 0
Weight Yesterday: 0

Work out: None - wake to attend this evening

Breakfast: 9:00am - Yogurt

Snack: 5 Werther's candies throughout morning

Lunch: Some sort of weight watchers lunch thingy - shrimp and pasta and green beans and carrots .... and a very questionable looking dessert that I did. not. eat.


Dinner: Kiki's Pounded chicken w/pasta


Motivation and/or Story of the Day: Today is the wake of G's very close family friend, Papa Phil. I only had the chance to meet him once, but I know he meant a lot to G and his entire family. He was an avid BC fan - which makes him alright in my eyes! Please say a prayer for him and his family.


KHMcManama said...

Try some more protein in the morning. It fills you up. And some low-fat dairy too. I do scrambled egg whites with low-fat cheese and skim milk. If I had fresh veggies, I'd use them too. I spray the pan with Pam. Also, I eat Canadian bacon sometimes (very low carb, South Beach friendly). If you give yourself a solid start, you encourage good habits for the rest of the day. Rock on.

mccashew said...

Stevie is all about Southwestern Egg Beaters, turkey sausage, and a whole grain english muffin. I look forward to weekends when he makes it for me. I am a cereal and fruit girl in the morning, but Kerry is right, mornings with protein are so much better! and I stay full longer =)